Stress, anxiety, and depression cause fatigue. Essential oils are a quick, safe and easy way to fight fatigue by soothing or stimulating the mind. Essential oils come from plants, so basically its herbal medicine. The following five essential oils are generally safe to use on your skin. If you’re concerned about allergies, put a drop…

February is the month of love. We give flowers, chocolates and gifts on Valentine’s Day to win or keep the heart of a loved one. But what about someone who is depressed? How do you let the person know you love him/her when flowers and gifts won’t work? Here’s a few gifts of love to…

Being unemployed for more than a few months can make you depressed. Hearing ‘No’ after ‘No’ is hard on anyone’s self-esteem. Add in bills, family demands, and embarrassment and you have a downward emotional spiral. A couple of my friends were laid off their jobs just before Christmas. So far my friends have been able…

I’m sharing a Special to The Globe And Mail ‘Have Your Say: How Can We Help Friends and Loved Ones With Depression?’ (Dec.30, 2014) Craig and Mark Kielburger asked me as an expert on dealing with depression to give a brief comment. Get involved in the conversation by either going to the original article or leaving a comment below.…

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