Your aura and the psychic space around you need cleaning too. Just like anything else, it can get ‘dirty’, only it gets dirty from the energies of negative people. Usually we ignore this personal space. But it needs the occasional cleaning. If you deal with negative people frequently, you might want to purify your space…

Negative people. They exist everywhere. If you’re like me, you try to ignore them or at the best, tolerate the behaviour. But negative attitude can really wear thin during the Christmas season. Bah humbug – if it isn’t your style, it will really annoy the crap out of you. How do you deal with negative…

  Humour. You don’t know how good humour is until you’ve lost it. When you start slipping into depression, humour leaves with all other positive emotions. I didn’t realize how much I missed humour until I started coming out of the darkness. I’ve always thought my brother was more humorous than me. As kids he’d…

  Depression is an illness. It affects the mind, body, and soul. While there is medication and therapies for the mind and body, it can seem there’s nothing to help your soul. Sometimes the struggle with depression can seem like a battle for your soul. What can we do to heal or help someone who…

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