Can yoga help you with depression? Yoga and depression are an excellent treatment regime. Yoga can be a powerful aid to help you deal with depression, because yoga involves stretching muscles, controlled breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques like meditation. Yoga creates a mind-body connection that has far-reaching health benefits. Yoga helps realign energies in your…

  Here’s 7 rules of life to follow. These rules won’t defeat depression, but they will help soften the pain and slowly lead to healing. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. What others think of you is none of your business. Time heals almost everything, give it time. Don’t compare…

As an adult, you will have to deal with your abusive parents at some time. But at some level, you are always your parent’s child. No matter how old you are, how aware you are of the abusive relationship between you and your parent, there remains a parent-child dynamic that any emotional trigger will immediately send…

  Negativity causes unhappiness. When negativity takes over, almost every situation seems hopeless and unwanted. But not every situation is hopeless. Only your mind makes you believe it is. Have you ever found yourself on holiday complaining about the quality of the hotel, the bad weather, the crappy food?  It might be true that the hotel…

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