Getting to know yourself means you must be willing to examine yourself. To take a deep, honest look at who you are. It’s not easy. But it can reap great mental and emotional rewards. To know yourself means you have self- knowledge The famous Greek philosopher Socrates once said the unexamined life was not worth…

  Stopping contact with an abusive parent might be the best thing for you. Yet, it’s one of the hardest things to do. First, there are the emotional hooks from the parent. Next, there’s the social shame and stigma of being a bad child, even though you are an adult. There’s also family connections that…

It takes love to heal. Love is the ointment that soothes and starts to heal emotional wounds. Love allows forgiveness to enter the heart and soul. Love cracks the darkness of depression, and tears away at despair. Love stands quietly beside you in depression. As I sat, depressed and angry, I asked, “Who in the…

There’s a mind-body link between depression and low back pain. It’s well-known that neck pain and back pain are side-effects of stress. But depression also causes muscle issues, especially low back pain. Back pain is linked to depression and anxiety. In 2017, research done by Canadian University students found a direct link between depression and…

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