Bell Let’s Talk Day is January 30, 2019 in Canada. Bell Let’s Talk Day started in 2010, back when talking about mental health wasn’t something people did openly. Bell Let’s Talk helped start that national conversation. Stigma started breaking down. People became educated about mental health. New ideas and hope grew. Depression research started looking…

Life is busy and messy. When you’re severely depressed, life is bleak and there’s no grateful reflection. But you need to remember the good things in your life. Today I’m taking time for grateful reflection. Here are a few things that make my list. 1. Life is fragile, beautiful, and I have it. I used…

  What is stress? Stress is your body’s response to an action that you want to get away from. That action can be caused by someone or something. For example, a bully or abusive person causes you stress. Your physical environment can be stressful if it’s a noisy workplace or full of smokers. Environment can…

Self improvement is tough to do when you’re depressed. It’s also one of those things that stresses people out even if they aren’t depressed. Because self improvement is the acknowledgment that some part of you needs improving upon. That’s a tough idea to swallow no matter what your emotional state. Why does self improvement matter?…

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