Depression frees anxiety and fear inside you, so you explode at the slightest emotional pressure. The more depressed I became, the more I started loosing my patience with people and situations. I lost my temper easily. I blew up over the least offensive comment or look, and got frustrated with daily chores. My…

#HowIFightDepression The hashtag #HowIFightDepression was recently trending on Twitter. Mental health is a movement that can’t be ignored! “How I fight depression” is the daily mantra for all of us who suffer with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. No one wants to be depressed. No one deserves to be depressed. Depression is a mental…

  In non-attachment, you are able to let go of your desire for things, people, or ideas. If you are able to stop clinging to things or people, you will ultimately have less stress, anxiety, and fear. That’s because the more you desire something or someone, or are fixated on an idea, the more stress you…

Self love is difficult to practice. It’s so easy to slip back into self loathing. Especially when life gets difficult. So here’s three quick reminders to keep in your pocket when self-love is about to leave. Be compassionate with yourself. It’s okay to recognize your faults and mistakes. But it’s not okay to keep hammering…

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