Its autumn and daylight hours are getting shorter. Time to get your SAD Kit ready. What’s that? You don’t know what’s a SAD kit? Well, let me first explain SAD. SAD SAD is seasonal affective disorder. When seasons change, there’s a distinct shift in weather, temperature, and how much sunlight there is in a day.…

  What’s the difference between flower essence and essential oil? Flower essences and essential oils complement each other in the healing the human soul. But the way these two work is very different. Flower essences heal the aura fields around the body and soul. Sometimes the word etheric is used instead of aura when talking…

Psychic protection is always important. When I first felt depressed, I was getting confused about the mixed messages I heard from the spirit world. A lot of times the messages of hope and healing were getting muddled with words of fear and anxiety. I later realized that the fearful and anxious messages were actually my…

Does depression affect psychic ability? The short answer is yes. When you’re depressed, you’re looking at the world though dark glasses. Depression takes you into the dark night of the soul, wherein you question your psychic abilities, become frightened by what you see or hear of Spirit, and feel powerless. A depressed psychic looses ability…

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