You might be evolution advanced if you’re suffering with depression. Researchers at the University of Jena in Germany explain depression may be an adaptive behaviour of survival, especially when it comes to letting go of unattainable goals. The one who gives up wins “The one who gives up, wins,” said lead author Katharina Koppe “even if that…

As the days get shorter and darker, many people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD).  The less sunlight there is, the darker your mood gets. The worse SAD becomes.  Are there any foods that can improve your mood? There are foods for seasonal affective disorder that help improve mood. These foods help energize your body, lift…

Trying to cope with depression is tough. When it’s not easy to even get out of bed, it’s not easy doing anything! When you don’t have energy, your brain feels fuzzy, your body aches, and all you want to do is sleep. Depression keeps sleep away by filling your head with negative thoughts that go…

Depression and anxiety can affect anyone. Even famous people suffer depression or anxiety. It’s important that you reach out for help. Talk to someone. Tell someone you trust how you’re feeling. Don’t be ashamed, embarrassed or afraid. There are others out there suffering from depression. Maybe not the same way as you are, but that’s…

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