Feel exhausted from Christmas? Post Christmas fatigue can linger for weeks, making January feel not only cold but dreary. Here’s a few simple tricks to lessen the effects of post Christmas fatigue. Proper Sleep. Your body might need a few nights of good, restful sleep before it starts feeling normal again. Expect and prepare for that. If…

  Depressed people have the most insomnia. In 2011, it was estimated that 90% of depressed people have trouble sleeping. Issues of anxiety, despair, guilt, and fear prevent a good night sleep. Not sleeping well has its own negative effects. Tiredness, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite. It’s an insidious cycle. Here are a few tips for…

Sometimes the struggle with depression can seem like a battle for your soul. Here are five useful ideas to heal your soul when depressed. Depression can be an experience your soul chose to undergo in this lifetime. It’s an idea you probably didn’t think about. In this sense, your soul knew before it became manifest in your…

Everything is awful and I’m not okay. Here are questions to ask before giving up. Are you hydrated?  If not, have a glass of water. Have you eaten in the past three hours?  If not, get some food — something with protein, not just simple carbs.  Perhaps some nuts or hummus? Have you showered in…

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