Your Happy Place App Helps Fight Depression An app, called HappyPlace, helps you fight depression with your smartphone. Available on itunes, HappyPlace manipulates a person’s perception of ambiguous facial expressions. If apps can monitor your daily steps taken, take your pulse, or measure your exercise levels, why not have an app to treat depression? Our…

Are you letting yourself be happy? Too often the worries and complications of life take over. You sit and ponder what your existence is about. Why am I in this job? Why did I get married? What’s going to happen next in my life? How come I don’t have enough money? Sure, life’s challenges and…

I came across this poem one day when depression was killing me. It made me feel good for a moment and so I’m sharing it with you. Have a good day my friends! A GOOD DAY Throughout all the ups and downs of this day, Throughout all the challenges, doubts, frustrations, Throughout the joys, the…

Life is full of moments of people disagreeing with you about something. But is it because these people are negative personality types? Or is it because their opinions are so deeply entrenched in their thought processes? It all has to do with thinking patterns. As we grow older, our brain establishes neural networks. The more…

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