I want to share with you a wonderful blog Farming, Stress, Starting The Conversation written by Kim Keller, co-founder of Farm At Hand and a third-generation farmer. Kim gave me permission to share her story with the world and though it’s been shortened, it speaks to everyone’s heart. “Today as I write this, I am…

When I started looking at depression in farmers, I was stunned by how high the numbers are for farmer suicides and depression. In the U.S., the rate of farmer suicides is just under two times that of the general population. Worldwide, farmer suicide rates are the highest for any occupation. In fact, farmer suicides are…

It’s official! We’ve entered a new age of evolution. Called the Anthropocene Epoch by scientists to reflect humanity’s deep impact on our planet, it is an age where we can no longer distinguish what is man-made from what is natural. The word “Anthropocene” means “new human era.” The idea that humanity had entered a new…

It’s finally here! Some real hope of crushing the stigma of depression and getting help before depression becomes severe. Anna Almendrala of the Huffington Post  (09/16/2014) reported that science has found a new test to screen for depression. This means that depression can be identified in a person before it becomes an issue by doing…

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