Hormones play a role in depression, but hormones don’t account for all the differences between male vs female depression. The differences between male vs female depression could also be cultural factors – what society expects of a man compared to a woman. Then there’s biological factors, inherited traits, life experiences, and gender differences that…

  Being anxious is a good thing when it motivates you, like being on time, or when it warns you of danger. But constant anxiety is not healthy. Anxiety disorders are mental illnesses. Certain foods can add to or affect anxiety. Avoid these foods when anxious: Foods to avoid: Caffeine Caffeine is a stimulant and…

    There are many reasons why talking about depression is good. You can help someone deal with negative thoughts, overcome stigma, manage depression symptoms, and even survive the dark night of the soul. Talking about depression gives voice to your pain One reason for talking about depression is that it gives voice to your…

  Choose love, not hate, when it comes to grief or anger. Grief and anger shift one’s emotions towards revenge and hate. But the strong pull towards those reactions can be fought, and avoided. Love is strong as hate People often think love is a fluffy, feel good emotion that only kicks in when you…

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