Feeling post-Christmas exhaustion? You’re not alone. 70% of Americans say they’re fatigued by Christmas, according to the American Psychological Association. By the time January rolls in, post-Christmas fatigue can make you feel so tired, you wish you could hibernate like a bear. So what causes post Christmas fatigue?  Christmas fatigue is the trauma your body…

I’m sharing a Special to The Globe And Mail ‘Have Your Say: How Can We Help Friends and Loved Ones With Depression?’ (Dec.30, 2014) Craig and Mark Kielburger asked me as an expert on dealing with depression to give a brief comment. Get involved in the conversation by either going to the original article or leaving a comment below.…

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population). (Anxiety and Depression Association of America)   Anxiety disorders are real and serious. Worry and fear are constant and overwhelming. People dealing with depression often suffer from anxiety disorders.…

Your aura and the psychic space around you need cleaning too. Just like anything else, it can get ‘dirty’, only it gets dirty from the energies of negative people. Usually we ignore this personal space. But it needs the occasional cleaning. If you deal with negative people frequently, you might want to purify your space…

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