Do you need faith to deal with depression? In my opinion, it’s a yes and no answer. No, you don’t need to worship or pray to God, or believe that He/She is punishing you with depression. But you need to believe in something or someone, and have confidence in that person or thing…

If you and your family are religious, your faith helps keep you all close. Regardless of the God you worship, your faith acts as the cement that seals your family together as one wholesome unit, and ultimately brings you all closer together with every day that passes. However, in daily living, it can be difficult to bring…

As an adult, you will have to deal with your abusive parents at some time. But at some level, you are always your parent’s child. No matter how old you are, how aware you are of the abusive relationship between you and your parent, there remains a parent-child dynamic that any emotional trigger will immediately send…

  Negativity causes unhappiness. When negativity takes over, almost every situation seems hopeless and unwanted. But not every situation is hopeless. Only your mind makes you believe it is. Have you ever found yourself on holiday complaining about the quality of the hotel, the bad weather, the crappy food?  It might be true that the hotel…

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