Recently I had a medical scare. It got me thinking again about life and death. As a depressed person, I’ve thought of life and death before. Lots. So what made this time different? Well, it’s because my attitude towards life has shifted towards a more positive, encouraging one. I want to live that…

  In non-attachment, you are able to let go of your desire for things, people, or ideas. If you are able to stop clinging to things or people, you will ultimately have less stress, anxiety, and fear. That’s because the more you desire something or someone, or are fixated on an idea, the more stress you…

Life is busy and messy. When you’re severely depressed, life is bleak and there’s no grateful reflection. But you need to remember the good things in your life. Today I’m taking time for grateful reflection. Here are a few things that make my list. 1. Life is fragile, beautiful, and I have it. I used…

  Christmas Depression Self Care Tips Why might you need Christmas depression self care? Well, Christmas depression doesn’t only affect someone who is depressed or suffering from SAD. Christmas depression can happen to anyone. Unrealistic expectations, anxiety, stress, increased responsibility, increased financial spending, and loneliness can overwhelm a person. The yearly anniversary of the death…

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