Recently I had a medical scare. It got me thinking again about life and death. As a depressed person, I’ve thought of life and death before. Lots. So what made this time different? Well, it’s because my attitude towards life has shifted towards a more positive, encouraging one. I want to live that…

#HowIFightDepression The hashtag #HowIFightDepression was recently trending on Twitter. Mental health is a movement that can’t be ignored! “How I fight depression” is the daily mantra for all of us who suffer with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. No one wants to be depressed. No one deserves to be depressed. Depression is a mental…

An unhealthy emotional attachment differs from love. An emotional attachment is a strong emotional bond to something. That something can be a person, object, or idea. The emotional attachment serves to fill a need in you. That need can range from a primary need to have shelter and security, to a need to fill a void in…

    Letting go of an unhealthy emotional attachment is not easy. Just think about your life. How many people do you have a relationship with who you either feel used by or use? Toxic people, negative beliefs, unrealistic dreams – all these are unhealthy emotional attachments. Letting go of an unhealthy emotional attachment takes effort. Detaching…

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