We all need to be loved. That’s a good thing. But what is love? Love has many forms and voices. We try to explain love by categorizing it, by dividing it into different parts, and by saying only certain types of love are allowed. But love is bigger than any one definition or experience.…

Recently I was tested for sleep apnea. Being severely depressed like myself creates changes and disturbances to sleep. I’d go bed tired and wanting to sleep. But I couldn’t fall asleep. My mind kept me awake until 3 or 4 in the morning, before exhaustion would let me finally doze off for a couple of…

  Elderly depression often goes untreated or is misdiagnosed. Yet, people over age 60 are more likely to be depressed than younger people. This is important. As the population of the United States gets older and more depressed, proper mental health care becomes more urgent. Health problems create and mask depression symptoms. The older you…

Alzheimer’s and dementia are not part of normal aging. How can you tell if someone has Alzheimer’s or dementia? What are the early signs of Alzheimer’s, and how is it different from normal aging? My grandmother had Alzheimer’s When my grandmother started loosing her memory, the family first thought it was related to old age.…

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