Christmas Depression Self Care Tips Why might you need Christmas depression self care? Well, Christmas depression doesn’t only affect someone who is depressed or suffering from SAD. Christmas depression can happen to anyone. Unrealistic expectations, anxiety, stress, increased responsibility, increased financial spending, and loneliness can overwhelm a person. The yearly anniversary of the death…

In 2017 I wrote an article, “Christmas Depression” I asked why Christmas was so depressing and what could be done to fight Christmas depression. I was surprised to find that during Christmas fewer people are actually admitted to hospital emergency rooms because of depression, anxiety, or suicide attempts. Maybe you’re thinking, “Christmas must somehow magically cure…

Have you ever been politically bullied or shamed on Facebook or Twitter? You’re not alone. Political bullying on social media has become a real problem in the past few years, creating more depression and anxiety among social media users. A study by Pew Research Centre found that nearly 20 percent of social media users have…

  What is stress? Stress is your body’s response to an action that you want to get away from. That action can be caused by someone or something. For example, a bully or abusive person causes you stress. Your physical environment can be stressful if it’s a noisy workplace or full of smokers. Environment can…

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