There’s still lots of stigma attached to depression. Society, culture, and religion are just some influencers that affect how we treat depression. Lindsay Holmes of the Huffington Post wrote a wonderful article about myths we still hold about mental illness. Here are 6 myths about depression we still need to break. Myth 1: Depression is contagious.…

Are you letting yourself be happy? Too often the worries and complications of life take over. You sit and ponder what your existence is about. Why am I in this job? Why did I get married? What’s going to happen next in my life? How come I don’t have enough money? Sure, life’s challenges and…

  Imagine predicting suicide risk with apps and blood test. According to the Washington Post, it is possible. Scientists have developed a system of blood tests and apps that can 90% predict if someone will start thinking about suicide or attempt it. A study published by researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine took a look at…

Why don’t people who are suicidal seek help when in crisis? It’s a good question. One group of people who usually won’t ask for help are men. There are several reasons of course, but it all boils down to stigma. Stigma keeps men silent. This is where Men Heal comes in. Men Heal is a mental health…

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