#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs is trending today on Twitter. There are so many great comments and thoughts being shared. Here’s a few to help you or anyone you know suffering from depression. What do you think the worst part of depression is? #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs people telling you that you’re just going through a little phase. #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs that everyone thinks it’s…

  What is depression and how is it treated? Depression is often confused with feeling blue. Normal sadness is from daily life situations, frustrations, and losses. Depression isn’t normal sadness. Depression is a prolonged, severe illness that disables a person. Depression ranges from mild to severe. Mild depression may be helped by changing a person’s daily…

A new depression questionnaire could soon be coming to your doctor’s office. Fill it out while you wait for your doctor and get referred for follow-up in the same visit. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (July 27, 2015) , doctors are recommending that a questionnaire assessing if you’re depressed should be readily available in…

I came across this poem one day when depression was killing me. It made me feel good for a moment and so I’m sharing it with you. Have a good day my friends! A GOOD DAY Throughout all the ups and downs of this day, Throughout all the challenges, doubts, frustrations, Throughout the joys, the…

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