If you are spiritual, you’re more likely to be depressed and anxious. According to a new U.K. study, spiritual people are consciously aware of the world around them and have an increased ability to feel the emotions of others. Heightened senses and intuition make spiritual people depressed and anxious. Now hold on, before…

  Can depression be cured? Is coping with depression the same as being cured of depression? Simple answer is no. Depression is a mental illness that doesn’t get cured by any medication or treatment. Only a lucky few, maybe 10%, actually come out of depression behaving and feeling like they did before being depressed. These…

  Male menopause and anxiety. As ugly, tough, and weird to go through as female menopause. When a man turns forty, testosterone goes down, cortisol goes up. Emotions go berserk. Depression and anxiety are common. Behaviour can get down right weird or upsetting. It’s puberty hormonally reversed. A man’s body goes through several changes in…

Music and depression in children: The Rhythm of Resilience At first music was my escape. As a young child, my headphones blocked out the shouting, drinking and abuse from the other room. The stories embedded within the songs took me away on a musical adventure. Retreat…a first layer of resilience. As the years passed, music became…

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