How you treat the depressed person can either help or hinder recovery. Here are three tips on how you can help someone who is depressed. 1. TALK. Talk is very important for anyone who is depressed. Talking helps the depressed person express emotions and ideas. It’s a lifeline to the world.  There is a…

A belief is only a thought you rehearsed enough times that it becomes a “belief”. Beliefs become incorporated into our beings over time. New thoughts create new beliefs. Try having small positive thoughts about difficult situations. Focus in on these thoughts to help you navigate through the darkness. Mantra: I am aware of my thoughts.…

Talking about depression is necessary for dealing with depression and more of it is needed. However, some people question the benefits of talking about depression. How does talking about depression help you when you don’t want to talk about being depressed? Is it about making people feel good that they are helping someone? Does talk…

  As we say farewell to Robin Williams, we should not be furious at him for committing suicide. There’s been a lot of tweets and other social media comments going around blaming Williams for not being emotionally stronger or choosing suicide as an easy way out. Before we start criticizing what Williams did, we should…

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