Depression talk is as important as breathing air Depression talk is necessary for healing the person and people around that person. It’s important for breaking stigma. Because if stigma continues, healing is forever put on the back burner. For too long, depression was a taboo subject. It wasn’t polite to say ‘depressed’ because that meant the…

Depression symptoms in a person aren’t always obvious. Sometimes depression symptoms are overlooked as part of other medical conditions. Other times depression symptoms are missed because the person hides the pain. Here are 5 depression symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. 1. Trouble sleeping. Sleep is a big problem for someone depressed. Negative thoughts about self keeps a person awake…

  Anger is a big part of depression. Unfortunately, depression anger often gets overlooked. After all, when you’re usually listless or don’t care about anything, people might welcome anger as you actually showing something other than depression. Or, people might mistake anger as irritability, anxiety, or fear and shrug it off. Anger is a real…

If you have depression, you can add anger to your list of symptoms. Anger is a normal emotion to feel when you’re under stress or anxious. But the anger in depression is a more vague, self focused emotion. Your anger doesn’t always seem to have a reason. It just exists. How you deal with anger in…

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