Letting go of an unhealthy emotional attachment is not easy. Just think about your life. How many people do you have a relationship with who you either feel used by or use? Toxic people, negative beliefs, unrealistic dreams – all these are unhealthy emotional attachments. Letting go of an unhealthy emotional attachment takes effort. Detaching…

  In non-attachment, you are able to let go of your desire for things, people, or ideas. If you are able to stop clinging to things or people, you will ultimately have less stress, anxiety, and fear. That’s because the more you desire something or someone, or are fixated on an idea, the more stress you…

Substance use disorder can affect anyone. A recent study by American Addiction Centres found that people suffering with mental illness face a higher risk of developing substance use than the rest of the population. The substances looked at were alcohol, marijuana, opioids, and cocaine. Depending on the type of mental illness, a person can be five to…

  We all need to be loved. That’s a good thing. But what is love? Love has many forms and voices. We try to explain love by categorizing it, by dividing it into different parts, and by saying only certain types of love are allowed. But love is bigger than any one definition or experience.…

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