My head is spinning from all the items we can take with us to Bolivia. I’m looking at a list that suggests to take Aspirin, Melatonin, Neosporin – more “ins” than I can count. Don’t get me wrong, these suggestions are very helpful and I am very grateful for the list. But what do you really take with you? What can you pack for a journey that might change your life?


First off, from experience I know to pack light. This isn’t because of my own bountiful wisdom, but just because I’ve messed up so many times in the past. I’ve packed so much that I’ve had to give clothes away or throw clothes away. I’ve had to roll my suitcase through poor neighborhoods and feel incredibly guilty for showing others how much I have. At the end of the day, I’ve learned that the less you pack, the easier it will be to travel.


I’ll be going to Bolivia in less than a week so I’ll pack warm clothes, a journal, and clean socks (thanks, Mom!). Bringing what I need instead of what I want is a lesson that I’m slowly learning over time. But I”ll need to also be spiritually prepared for this trip – and that means packing a Bible, praying, and trusting that God will guide me on this journey.


So my hope is that God will help me bring some common sense to Bolivia – along with my dry, clean socks.

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