A few Sundays ago, a friend of mine presented a spoken word as part of the worship time. Our church embraces the arts and many forms of expressions are encouraged. Spoken word is one of those forms.

It was a Sunday morning and I was dealing with bad news.  I needed to just sit with God. As I was basking in the presence of God, a friend of mine, Dr. Jayce O’Neal got up and delivered the spoken word he had prepared for the service. I was so encouraged that I wanted to pass this along. With his permission:

My Daily Conversation with God

By Jayce O’Neal

“Be still and know that I am God

I am God so be still.”

These are Yours words from Your Word

But is it really, honestly your will?


This world is crazy, and lazy and hazy

I’m just not sure, how to look past all the obscure

The noises ring out amidst beeps and shouts

The bills build but money has stilled


What am I to do, where am I to go?

The pressure overwhelms, but I can’t let it show

Like a lit stick of dynamite seen from every vantage site

This world seems ready to go, ready to blow…so…

What exactly am I supposed to do?


“Be still and know that I am God

I am God so be still.”

These          are        Your       words from Your Word

But is it really, honestly your will?


Be still you say? But that cannot be the way?

Because I have sat still, I have stayed still, and I have still not seen your will…


…and then in my brief moment of pity and pride

I heard a strong but loving voice speak softly from the other side


“Seek first my kingdom, not his kingdom or her kingdom and not yours

For I am the opener and closer of doors

You see but a key hole of clarity,

But with me hope and provision is not a rarity


The troubles of this world are but a flea compared to my right hand

No evil can triumph over the land where I stand

Do not doubt, do not pout, do not fret about

My will is my way, not yours

Take my peace, and my joy, because my yoke is not a chore


So yes…be still,

And know that I am God

Do not wait until,

Everything is perfect

I Am God, be still.”

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