Most of us are focused on losing those extra pounds from holiday eating. Well here is a quick tip on how to do that when snacking.

The time of day you eat a snack could impact losing weight.

A study in the December 2011 Journal of the American Dietetic Association concluded: If you snack mid morning, you won’t lose weight as well as if you snack other times of the day.

Here is why: Mid morning snacking tends to lead to on-going nibbling all day. And if you snack frequently, you take in more calories, unless you snack on the right foods.

Dietitians recommend low-calorie snacks (100-200) calories that have nutritional value. Or combine a protein, carb and a little fat. This helps the body digest carbs slower than other combinations and makes you feel full.

And the study found that afternoon snackers tend to eat more fruits and vegetables so snack away but make it the right foods at the right time.

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