Tonight is my high school reunion! I’m not going, but I wish I could. I live in another state that is not within driving distance. I just visited my family on Father’s Day and can’t afford the time to go back again. I could only make one trip home this month and had to decide between my father and former classmates. I chose my dad!

But talking about the reunion brought up a lot of feelings. And while I wasn’t the most popular kid, high school, for me, was really great.

So, here is why I think people should go:

1) You are a grown up now and have nothing to prove to people you see every 10 years or so!

2) You are dying to see how everyone aged. If you look great, flaunt it to those guys who passed you over as a possible girlfriend. Let them see what they missed.

3) You’ve accomplished things in your life that are interesting to share. You may find others who share your interests. For example, I noticed another former classmate is on faculty of a medical school. Would have been interesting to share experiences.

4) You will probably laugh a lot as people share crazy stories and memories.

5) It is always interesting to hear about the path people took. It can be very unexpected–the nerd who became a high powered attorney, the science geek who is now a medical researcher, the athlete who proved he actually had a brain and is now a college professor. New relationships can form.

6) Everyone is invited! This isn’t prom!

7) You now wear make-up and actually know what to do with that frizzy hair.

8) There may be a few jerks–the alcoholic, narcissist, etc., but most people are genuinely nice.

9) You can clear the air if there were misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

10) Just go because you can. Take a risk. Don’t live in the past.

Would you go? You should.

Tonight, I lift my mug that I grabbed at my recent visit (see photo) from a classmate who actually made these for the reunion, and toast you all—Happy Reunion St. Joe High School!

“Sing we hail to alma mater…”

It would have been great to have been there!



Tell me why or why not? Love to hear your take and experiences. The last one I attended was really fun!



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