You’ve heard the saying, “Put your money where your mouth is?” Well if you are single, this idea may have some merit.

A singles survey of almost 5500 unattached adults conducted by for sheds light on what singles look for in potential relationships. And yes, physical attraction still makes the list. But the specifics may surprise you.

Number one on the list of 10 things men judge women on: TEETH! When judging a potential date, men look at teeth. Biological anthropologist, Helen Fisher, thinks this could be because teeth represent health. Teeth care indicates hygiene and personal health habits. Although, I’d add a caution, teeth whitening can be deceptive!

According to the survey, men ranked these physical characteristics in this order:

#3 (51%) Hair

#4 (45%) Clothes

#5  (40%) Have/Not Tattoo

#6 (37%) Nails and Hands

#8 (18%) Shoes

Two attractions had to do with how a woman speaks:  #2 was good grammar (55%); Accent ranked #7 (19%)

Finally, and more related to symbols of status were: The car a woman drives (#9 with 13%) and electronic devices carried (#10 with 9%).


In terms of the relationship, men ranked the most important as:

#1 Someone I can trust and confide in (63%)

#2 Someone who treats me with respect (57%)

#3 Someone who is physically attracted to me (40%)

#4 Someone who has a sense of humor and makes me laugh (37%)

#5 Someone who is comfortable with her own sexuality (36%)

The least important:

Someone who is eager to marry (4%)

Someone who makes at least as much money (6%)

Someone who eats similar foods (7%)

Someone who has a similar educational level, has a successful career, wants to have children and shares political beliefs (4 way tie at 8%)

Someone who has the same ethnic background (9%).


Tomorrow, what single women look for in men.


Source: Online survey of 5,481 singles ages 21 and older who are not in a relationship, by Market Tools Inc. for Margin of error plus/minus 1.32 percentage points.
Frank Pompa, USA TODAY
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