pree pausev2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_As I was preparing for my next radio show on Diet Mistakes, I thought I would pass these along on my blog. This is the time of year many of us are being intentional about losing weight.

So what should we be careful NOT to do!

1) Telling people you are on a DIET! Lose the word DIET from weight loss. Any word that begins with DIE can’t be good for us. Our goal is lifestyle change, not DIET.

2) Clicking on one of those BURN FAT NOW or LOSE 10 POUNDS IN 5 DAYS ads. There are no magic bullets, quick weight loss tricks that will keep weight off. Choose a sensible way to lose weight–cut back calories, use Weight Watchers, watch portions and cut our empty calorie food like donuts and chips.

3) Skipping breakfast will help me lose weight. WRONG. People who skip breakfast tend to build up an appetite and then binge later in the day. Think of your body like a wood burning fireplace. One log at a time does better at burning versus dumping a load of wood on the fire. When you skip the one log (breakfast), you tend to dump the wood on later (binge eat).

4) I’ll drink more liquid to fill myself up. As long as the liquid is water, go for it. But watch the calories in coffees and popular drinks. Typically they are loaded with calories. And diet drinks have artificial sweeteners that can trick the brain into feeling hungry. In fact, Michael G. Tordoff, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, University of California at Davis, found that artificial sweeteners can increase cellulite and contribute to weight gain!!!

5) Don’t get on the scale. Actually the opposite it true. Weigh yourself daily. The 3500 people studied at the National Weight Control Registry who maintained their weight loss, weighed daily. Weighing gives you feedback as to the reality of your strategies working or not working.

6) I’m going to exercise to lose weight. Actually, exercise to improve your fitness, mood and be in better health. So many people I treated were disappointed that exercise didn’t make them drop the pounds. Yes, exercise uses calories so it contributes to weight maintenance more than weight loss.

7) My goal is to lose 10 pounds the first week. This is unrealistic and only possible through drastic measures that will take off water weight first, not fat loss. So slow and steady is a better way to go.

8) I’m not going to snack at all. This may or may not work for you. Snacking on healthy foods curbs hunger so you don’t overeat at the next meal. It also helps your metabolism. Choose nuts, fruit, vegetables, protein for a quick pick up!

9) I am just tasting a bit here and there. All that tasting usually adds up to extra calories. Usually we aren’t aware of how much goes into our mouths when we pick at things.

10) I blew it so I’m giving up. This is the diet trap. If you are working on changing your lifestyle and eating habits, when you blow it, start over and get back on track. Lose the all or nothing thinking and give yourself a little grace.


For more help with the emotional side of weight loss, check out Dr. Linda Mintle’s Book, PRESS PAUSE BEFORE YOU EAT.

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