Happy 4th of July! As this holiday weekend approaches,  I remain thankful for our freedom. But I was thinking about how divided we are as a country. People cannot even hold different points of view without being verbally attacked. Ideology has replaced decency and respect, escalating divisions and anger. I remember a sermon my brother,…

When the Spice Girls sang, “Tell me what you want, what you really really want,” no one was thinking this was a reference to emotional intelligence. Yet, being able to clearly articulate what you want is an important relationship skill. In fact, it is a sign of emotional intelligence. If you can clearly communicate what…

I do not like discussing politics. Never have and really dislike it these days. It has become so divisive. If you say anything someone doesn’t like, you get cancelled. Fear has taken over. And it pushes people to not only be fearful, but anxious. Political fear tells us to fear “the other.” Those who don’t…

Every day, I hear about another couple who has decided to call it quits. Their reasons vary but are most related to lost love and incompatibility. So, I am not talking about abuse, neglect and abandonment. Many of these couples have struggled to get along for years. Few of them ever get professional help. Most…

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