This week on my radio show we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or substituted. So let’s look at how important fathers are and the many lessons we learn from them. First, when…

Anger is rampant in our culture. And it doesn’t seem like it takes much to be on the receiving end of an angry tweet, text or call. People get triggered easily and often. Anger is an intense emotion that when not controlled, leads people to yell, curse and say or do things they may regret.…

A friend was telling me she recently had a difficult conversation. As she prepared to respond, she determined to approach this conflict rationally and calmly. But the minute he questioned her competence, she lost it. Her rational approach went out the window and she became incensed.  Thinking stopped as she became defensive. At the end…

Two days after the Tulsa shooting, I had a routine mammogram scheduled in the same building where just 2 floors above a patient became a shooter and killed two physicians, a receptionist and a Good Samaritan patient who helped others escape the attack. The waiting room was unusually somber. Patient check-in was interrupted for a…

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