Yet, another tragic school shooting has occurred. This is the 130th mass shooting this year! Nashville marks the 39th incident of gunfire at a school, with now 17 deaths and 30 injuries in 2023. In 2022, we saw 57 deaths from 177 shooting events. In fact, firearm injuries are the leading cause of death among…

Clutter, that stuff strewn everywhere that can make us anxious and stressed. It clogs up our lives and can lead to relationship fights and even unsafe conditions in our homes. Additionally, clutter can affect our focus and trigger avoidance as a coping mechanism because we feel overwhelmed. With all the problems clutter creates, why do…

You see it all the time in sitcoms. The “I don’t have a clue” husband whose wife is constantly telling him what to do, or reminding him what he is not doing. While we may laugh at this comedy routine, there is nothing funny about it in real couple relationships. It’s called nagging. And it…

Can we agree? We have come through a season of fear. Fear of an unknown pandemic and all that it entailed. Uncertainty, death, disease led to fear for so many people causing anxious minds and hearts. Hopefully, that fear has quieted down, but in truth, there are many reasons to be fearful. What is your…

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