He walks into the room. You immediately notice. Something about him draws you. He pulls you into conversation and commands the attention of the people around you. You walk away and think, “I like him and enjoyed his company.” That person exudes charm! The question is, are you born with charm? Do you have it or not? Is…

How many times do we ask people, “How are you feeling?” Is that a good question? Should we be asking this question on a regular basis? The answer may surprise you. Of course, we want to be attuned to emotional needs. But when we keep asking how a child feels moment to moment in a…

There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on the trend to defer marriage among Millennials and Gen Zs. The need to marry is on the decline given the rise in cohabitation, fear of divorce and self-sufficiency, among other factors. This trend is based on the idea that young people should focus on…

Rachel and John eagerly engaged in our premarital counseling sessions. As we waded through the battery of premarital inventories and family background, sex was next on our list. This couple, like many I have counseled, was sexually active prior to meeting each other. Although committed to abstinence this time around, past sexual activity has taken…

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