If you believe you don’t need much sleep, think again. Your lack of sleep may be impacting your physical, emotional and relationship health. Sleep matters! And most of us don’t get enough of it. If you are tossing and turning, consider these 10 tips: You might not fall asleep at the same time as your…

I don’t like to publicly criticize church leaders. Problems are best handled in the organizations and congregations they serve. However, I can’t stay silent about the recent comments by pastor John MacArthur. He purports that psychology and psychiatry are built on nothing more than major noble lies and that mental illness is not real. MacArthur…

Most of us look forward to Memorial Day as an unofficial kick-off to summer. We appreciate a very needed three-day weekend to rest, relax, cook out and picnic. But for many families, Memorial Day is a sobering day. It is a time to remember and honor military brothers and sisters who died in the service…

Have you been wronged by someone? I have. Are you holding a grudge against that person or secretly hoping something bad will happen to them? It happens, but it is not good for you. Nursing a grudge can lead to negative feelings and a wish for revenge.  Neither is biblical and won’t end well. Consider…

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