This weekend we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Strong families have strong dads. Here are five of the many reasons dads are so important: 1) When fathers are involved in the lives of their children, every measure of child well-being…

Do other teens influence your teen’s mental health? What if your teen hangs out with friends who are depressed or highly anxious? Is it possible that a peer group could be contagious to developing mental illness? Does having a classmate with a mental illness lead to later psychiatric diagnoses among peers?  These are interesting questions…

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David is reactive. He vents his anger regularly and is quick to explode when he is stressed. Lisa is highly anxious and finds herself ruminating on the “what ifs” of life. It’s hard to have a conversation that doesn’t include catastrophic thinking. Both people struggle with emotional regulation. Their emotions get the best of them.…

In my lifetime, tattoos have become mainstream. It used to be that only bikers or people with certain lifestyles would get tattoos, But that has dramatically changed over the decades. Now, around a third of Americans have a tattoo. Whether you are at the grocery store, a sports event or even in church, tattoos abound.…

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