Does your child have sleep problems? A new study may shed light on what this could mean for some parents. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment disorder that is common in childhood and impacts around 7.5% of children worldwide. The disorder typically develops before the age of 12. Researchers are always looking for factors…

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  We all know we need to exercise. The problem isn’t knowledge, it is motivation. There are too many reasons exercise gets lost in the laundry list of daily To Dos. It’s too easy to put it off until later. We all need a push to do things that help us, but it’s hard to…

If you have ever had a relative with dementia, you know how heart-wrenching it is. Watching someone you love gradually fade away due to memory loss and confusion is so difficult. I experienced this with my dear grandmother, who throughout her life was a devoted pastor’s wife known for her kindness and generosity.  As she…

Does culture influence Christians or change us? We would all agree in theory that Christians should be shaping  culture and not the other way around. But I ask this question based on recent Barna research. Everyday and in so many ways, we see the decline of Christian morality in America. There isn’t an institution that…

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