Have you ever read a news story and thought, “This can’t be true! It defies common sense”? That’s exactly how I felt when I came across this story. I had to share it to shed light on the ridiculous and unfair treatment of a passenger by Delta Airlines.

Here’s a recap:

U.S. Marine Corps veteran Catherine Banks was preparing to board a flight at San Francisco International Airport on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. As she was about to board, a flight attendant allegedly asked her to deplane. The reason? Her T-shirt, which read, “Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide,” was deemed “threatening” by the attendant.

I am not kidding! A veteran advocating to end suicide is somehow seen as a threat? I can’t begin to comprehend how this makes sense. How can a message supporting the prevention of suicide, especially among veterans, be considered offensive or dangerous? It’s truly unbelievable and a sign of how intolerant some have become towards those who don’t fit a particular ideological narrative.

To make matters worse, the attendant reportedly told her he didn’t care about her service to our country. How incredibly disrespectful! Despite the unjust treatment, she complied with the directive and changed into another sweatshirt. The veteran also claims she was forced to sit at the back of the plane, even though she had purchased an extra-legroom seat. This is outrageous on so many levels.

Flight attendants have the authority to deplane passengers, but typically for reasons related to safety, passenger comfort, or preventing damage to property. Usually, removal involves issues like abusive behavior, attire, hygiene, or conduct that causes offense or discomfort. So, was the flight attendant’s judgment that a T-shirt message advocating for the prevention of veteran suicide offensive to passengers? Really? Since when is keeping our former service members alive offensive?

I am outraged and hope this employee is terminated and made to formally apologize to this veteran. All I read was that the matter was resolved. I would love to know how it was resolved. Delta should tell the public how they resolved this issue since so many of us are outraged by the flight attendant’s behavior and want to know if he was disciplined or fired.


Suicide Prevention Resource:  9988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988, text “STRENGTH” to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or go to 988lifeline.org

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