I was watching Selling New York the other day and one of the sellers was so offensive to the real-estate  agent. He was making insensitive ethnic jokes and insulting him left and right. The agent took it on the chin. I was yelling at the TV, “Don’t just take it, speak up.” But speaking up…

At 90, my dad was just as sharp witted as ever. One of the secrets of his alert mind was his regular exercise. Every day, no matter the weather, he drove to the mall and walked with several of his relatives and friends. Given the frigid and harsh weather of Michigan winters, this was a…

The hit movie Frozen includes a plot line of  sisters avoiding conflict. But does a conceal versus reveal approach to conflict pay off in real life? Not really. Now that we are all singing, “Let it Go” in our heads, there are ways to thaw the tension, before you can let a conflict go. This…

Test your knowledge on self-injury: Take the True or False Quiz  Self-injury is: 1) A suicidal behavior. False. It is an attempt to self-soothe, control emotions, communicate what is difficult to say, or control and punish oneself through trauma reenactment. It helps a teen avoids suicidal feelings that are unbearable. This is an attempt to stay alive, to…

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