Why do teens do things with their friends that they would never do by themselves? A part of the answer might have to do with the developing brain of a teen. Specifically, adolescents are wired in ways that lend to risk taking when in the presence of their friends. Researchers at Temple University tested the…

In the 1980s, a forensic psychiatrist coined the term parental alienation syndrome (PAS) to describe the efforts of one parent to turn his or her children against the other. The syndrome involves deliberate mental and emotional abuse that can occur among highly conflictual couples who fight over custody. The result is a child who harbors…

Preschoolers learn by  imitating others. So is it any wonder that if the average preschooler spends 4.5 hours a day (way to much!) in front of a TV, that the content would teach him or her a thing or two? A study reported in Pediatrics, looked at 617 families in terms of the impact of…

I watched a few moments of Beyonce at the inauguration. She was beautiful, talented and carried herself well. Yesterday, she was the topic of controversy. Did she sing the national anthem live? Apparently not, despite the dramatic ripping out of the ear piece half-way. So why the big deal, the stories about “Bey Gate?” After…

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