It is only November and already children are hounding parents for presents. The way our culture focuses on getting versus giving, many children don’t know the true meaning of the holidays. How can we change this? By being intentional, one family at a time. Let’s begin with advertisers. Advertisers see your children as consumers who…

I watched A GaGa Thanksgiving last week. I am always curious about the influences that shape people to be who they are and wanted to hear her story–at least a slice of it. It was a surprisingly entertaining special. Her roots as a jazz singer were clearly displayed. What an amazing talent! It appears she…

Here is a great question from a parent who wants help with young kids during the holiday season: Q: Every holiday season, we travel to see relatives, eat too many sweets and are exhausted because the kids miss naps and get to bed late. Consequently, our toddlers behave badly during this time of year. It…

For years, I spend 15 hours one way traveling in a car from Virginia to Michigan to be with family during Thanksgiving. I dreaded the long trip, but wouldn’t miss being with family during the holidays. If you are like me, you may be boarding a plane, sitting in a car, train or some other…

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