Have you been wronged by someone? I have. Are you holding a grudge against that person or secretly hoping something bad will happen to them? It happens, but it is not good for you. Nursing a grudge can lead to negative feelings and a wish for revenge.  Neither is biblical and won’t end well. Consider…

Lots of flowers and cards will be sent to moms this weekend. Rightfully so. They deserve to be celebrated. Mother’s Day causes us to reflect on our relationship with our mom, especially if you are an adult daughter. It doesn’t seem to matter if the relationship is great, terrible, or somewhere in between, all daughters…

How many times do we ask people, “How are you feeling?” Is that a good question? Should we be asking this question on a regular basis? The answer may surprise you. Of course, we want to be attuned to emotional needs. But when we keep asking how a child feels moment to moment in a…

Have you ever thought, “If he/she would just change, things would be better?” But when you pressed for change, the person dug in their heels and was stubborn. Despite your pleas or best efforts to persuade, nothing really happened. Then, you are left frustrated and disappointed. Author Michael McQueen calls this tendency for people to…

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