We all get angry, right? But how do we handle those angry feelings? Our reactions to anger matters. It often determines the health of our relationships. So, check yourself and see how you measure up on these points. Admit you are angry. Don’t deny the emotion and engage in “anger insteads” such as overeating, boredom,…

Ann has been unhappy and anxious regarding her current life circumstances. Her husband left her for another woman. As Ann tries to cope with this harsh reality, the therapist tells her to stay present, to live in the moment and practice mindfulness. While Ann has tried this several times and come up short in terms…

I was sitting in the car waiting for someone and listening to the radio. I heard several commercials in a row. What struck me was the number of times I heard the phrase, “You deserve…” According to advertisers, I deserve a lot—certain foods, cars, the purchase of services, a break, a vacation, personal wealth, etc. I struggle…

“I’m having trouble with my boss. He always thinks he is right.”  “He’s impossible to deal with because he doesn’t see how often he puts me down and thinks he is better than I am.” “She’s always telling me how great and important she is. It’s gets old!” These words represent the frustration of people who…

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