Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally tied the knot. After nine years and six children, something prompted them to become a legitimately married couple. Only they know the real reason they waited so long. reported the marriage was to honor a promise Angelina made to her mom. Or was it the kids, the surgeries, the failed…

One good thing that came out of Robin William’s death is that we are once again talking about depression. Depression can be a silent killer and still has a stigma despite the numbers of people who struggle with it in any give year. We don’t like to talk about it, mostly because we don’t know…

It’s August. It’s hot! You just need to run into the store for a few minutes to grab a few groceries. Your six-month-old is sleeping soundly and he really needs a nap. Should you leave him be and run in to the store? With all the news about children dying in hot cars, the Dr.…

Turn off your TV and stop watching all the shows about betrayal, revenge and hurting people. And stop listening to all the cultural voices telling you that you aren’t good enough and need to improve. I’ve got a simple way you can start feeling positive emotions like trust, love and acceptance. It involves a hormone made in…

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