During the pandemic I read an interesting book by the former surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy called Together. He went on a listening tour of America in a quest to better understand America’s physical and mental health. What he found surprised even him — many Americans suffer from an epidemic of loneliness. They lack close…

Bullies come in all sizes, shapes and ages. Adults and children can be bullied on social media or in every day life. The trick is to know how to stop a bully. What strategies are most effective? Since the school year is underway, let’s look a child being bullied. But keep in mind, these strategies…

Sometimes I think I have a hyper-active fairness gene. I become quite upset when people suffer injustice or unfair treatment. When that happens, my tendency is to judge. But I have learned to be careful with instant moves to judgment. Why? Because there is a fine line between judging someone and standing up for what…

Recently we moved to another state and had to start over finding friends, a church, doctors, repair people and all the things you take for granted when you lived somewhere for a while. Moving is challenging. You quickly realize the loss of community and the need to belong. This universal need to belong goes all…

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