Have you ever wanted something intensely and pursued it whole heatedly? If so, would you say you were ambitious? For the person of faith, the different between ambition and humble service can be a fine line. Take the example of Paul and Barnabas in Acts 14. They healed a man at the temple who had been crippled from…

Most of us know the importance of forgiveness, but how well do we do when it comes to forgiving ourselves? As important as forgiving others is, it is also true that self-forgiveness needs to be a part of forgiveness. So why do we struggle so much in this area? From a spiritual perspective, once we repent,…

Like most of you, I was grieved over the horrific events of last week–bombs sent in the mail to politicians and a gunman killing innocent Jews gathering in their temple to name a baby. The worst of humanity was on display. The amount of hate we continue to see acted out on the national stage is…

It’s easy to get lost in the stress of every day living and forget to activate our faith. We become consumed with circumstances and easily discouraged. We are not the first people to struggle with this. The biblical Israelites wandered the dessert for years, complaining and grumbling because they were not getting to the promise land.…

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