When John and Sue began to argue over a conflict involving parenting, Sue’s mom physically put herself between the two. She then quoted Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” Both spouses were taken aback. They were having a conflict and trying to resolve it. But Sue’s…

Feeling disconnected? Just getting through your day? Nothing much excites you and life feels like a struggle. The Christian life promises joy and peace and you feel neither. What’s going on? The answer could have to do with John 15, a chapter in which Jesus defines our relationship with Him and provides a prescription for life.…

My daughter brought the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” to my attention. She was riveted to the series, but felt it was dark and disturbing. “Mom, you’ve got to watch this. I don’t know what to think as it gets progressively darker.” If you don’t know, the series is based on a 2007 fictional novel by Jay Ashew.…

Trouble comes and we often feel alone, even abandoned. Because of a crisis, we may feel as if there is no one who can understand us or help us through a painful time. And if we grew up in a family in which feelings of abandonment are easily triggered, we can become depressed and anxious.…

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