Hope has always been a foundation of the Christian faith and science has finally caught on to the importance of hope. Hope plays a significant role in our health and mental health. It is associated with a lower risk of cancer, fewer sleep problems, higher psychological well-being, and social adjustment. Because of the importance of…

  Frank Sinatra’s mega-hit song, My Way, has a line about regrets. “Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again, too few too mention.” We should all be so fortunate! And by the way, doing it my way versus God’s way, not the path I choose. Sorry Frank! Now, about regrets, we do have a…

As we remember the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., I couldn’t help think about the importance nonviolence played in his approach to racism. He is certainly remembered for his promotion of non-violence during protests. And he advocated love over hate. In his first book, Stride Toward freedom, he advocated nonviolent resistance with the idea that…

Sometimes I think I have a hyper-active fairness gene. I become quite upset when people suffer injustice or unfair treatment. When that happens, my tendency is to judge. But I have learned to be careful with instant moves to judgment. Why? Because there is a fine line between judging someone and standing up for what…

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