Depression is often described like being in a dark tunnel. It is a complicated disease affecting more women than men. While you may have heard that depression results from chemical imbalance, it’s not quite that simple. It involves faulty brain regulation that impacts mood, genetic vulnerability, stress and life events, medications and medical problems. In…

The pandemic has made the normal celebrations of Easter and Holy Week more challenging this year. During Palm Sunday, I worshipped on-line without my palm branch in hand. Instead, I had my coffee cup! The glorious music came through my computer screen. And while I am glad for the technology, it’s not the same electrically…

People give lots of common excuses not to go to counseling. Take David, for example. David’s mood is a problem. He is irritable and difficult to be around lately. Something is really bothering him. Yet, he won’t talk about it or get help. Counseling could help, but he won’t go. Like David, do you make…

Patty’s  husband was cheating on her and the pain was too much. She wasn’t eating, sleeping or getting out of bed. She knew she was in trouble. Yet, when I suggested she see someone to help her through this, she said no. At first, she was hesitant to tell me why. But the more we…

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