The next time you feel tension creeping into your body, try this: If you, like millions of Americans, feel stressed out and in need of a long vacation you can’t afford to take, don’t sweat it. There is a lot you can do to de-stress yourself.  Keep in mind that the opposite of tension and…

When you think you’ve heard it all, you know you haven’t! Here is an App I never saw coming. It uses Bump Technology. If you’ve never heard of what it means to “bump” your smart phone, let me explain. Bump is an app for Apple iOS and Google Android operating systems. The technology allows two…

The holidays can bring overwhelming demands, over commitment, worries about finances, and unrealistic expectations. Sometimes, as a reaction to all the busyness, we find ourselves feeling down or little blue. So how can you fight those down feelings? 1) Think balance and moderation. Excessive demands, extra commitments, overeating, little sleep and no exercise can all…

You wait for the doctor to come in to the exam room. The wait seems like an eternity. The table is cold and so are you because the gown is so thin. You wish he would just show up. He does. He barely makes eye contact, writes notes on his computer, hands you a prescription…

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