Guest blogger Dr. Rita Hancock, Board-certified Pain Management, treats people holistically. Author of Radical Well-Being and The Eden Diet, you can find out more about her at her website,   As a pain management specialist, I see patients on a daily basis who have pain conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, disc problems, muscle spasms, jaw…

I’ve written about it before. I trained residents, librarians, social workers, teachers and others in this easy stress buster. It’s free, it’s easy and it will save money on your health care costs. What is it? SMILING! Your facial gestures influence your mental health! In a study published in Psychological Science (November 2012), researchers found…

I saw this story yesterday in the Wall Street Journal on exercise and I had to write about it. Finally, something that made sense in terms of why I hate to exercise! Like you, I know the importance of exercise. It has so many benefits–controlling weight and maintaing weight loss, helps prevent strokes, metabolic syndrome,…

Super Bowl  is a bit like Christmas.- the hype outweighs the actual event. Don’t get me wrong, it turned out to be a good game even though I was routing for San Francisco. But all the hoopla surrounding the game is exhausting. Like most of you, I watched the game (although in and out of…

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